Cumberland River Fish Species

Cumberland River Fishing Retreat Target Fish Species

Cumberland Trout Bum is one of the best places to go fishing in Kentucky. The river is home to a variety of fish species that will make any angler happy. The most popular fish species found in the Cumberland River are smallmouth bass, rainbow trout, and striped bass.

Common Questions

What types of fish are in the Cumberland River?

Some of the fish species found in the Cumberland River include bass, catfish, trout, and sauger. Our fishing trips are specialize in targeting these fishes. We can guarantee that you can catch a big one on our trips.

What is the biggest fish you can catch in freshwater?

The biggest fish you can catch in freshwater is the Beluga sturgeon, which can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh over 3,000 pounds. Although, these are not found in Cumberland River, there a lot of big trout available in the area. You might even set a new personal record when you join our trips.

Can you eat fish from the Cumberland River?

Yes, you can eat fish from the Cumberland River, but it's important to follow guidelines on consumption and check for any advisories on fish consumption in the area. Unfortunately, we need to comply to fish and release fishing regulation in Cumberland River.

A Cumberland River Fishing Retreat Guided Fishing Trip targets the top Cumberland River Fish species including Brown Trout (Also Called ), Rainbow Trout (Also Called ), Walleye (Also Called Blue Pike, Dory, Glass Eye, Gray Pike, Marble Eye, Pike-Perch, Yellow Pike-Perch ), Striped Bass (Also Called Striper, Linesider), Sauger (Also Called Sand Pike, Spotfin Pike, River Pike). We primarily Fish the Cumberland River.