Cumberland Trout Bum Fishing Photos

About Cumberland River Fishing Retreat Fishing Pictures

Cumberland Trout Bum is known as one of the best fishing spots in the country, and for good reason! The crystal-clear water and abundance of fish make it a paradise for avid anglers. But don't just take our word for it, let these stunning fishing photos speak for themselves.

Cumberland River Fishing Retreat Photo Album is a collection of our guests in action. The Fish photos include Brown Trout (Also Called ), Rainbow Trout (Also Called ), Walleye (Also Called Blue Pike, Dory, Glass Eye, Gray Pike, Marble Eye, Pike-Perch, Yellow Pike-Perch ), Striped Bass (Also Called Striper, Linesider), Sauger (Also Called Sand Pike, Spotfin Pike, River Pike). The Fishing photos are taken in Cumberland River